Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tachycardia More Condition_symptoms

1° Cuore Pronto

Here I am, dear girls, with the first heart of a long series, 12 to be exact for the first month I chose this project "Tralala" collection, which years were not cross-stitch embroidery, partly because the old presses, and I do not see anything.
But when I saw it was love at first sight, so why not make it. And this is the end result that you like me say, I find it cute.

And now at last I'll see what I donated, the book by Frank Ogliari, is a wonder the girls prima all'ultima pagina, le foto sono strepitose e i modelli sono spiegati alla grande e cosa non da meno, quando mia mamma l'ha visto ha detto "Finalmente un libro dove si capiscono le spiegazioni" di solito le faccio vedere quelli di Tila in svedese.................................. vedete un pò voi.

Le mie foto come al solito sono una ciofeca, ma vi consiglio vivamente l'acquisto sono dei soldi veramente ben spesi è un bell'investimento.

Un baciotto

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Waterfalls In Cornwall

Sal Cuori con Sorpresa

Sorry, but seeing that there are also the result of the logo designed by Sal Stefy to which they are registered, and how could I give up because I love to madness hearts. Past but by you if you want more information. A

Kidney Diseases More Condition_symptoms

Preghierina della Sera, Signore ti Prego fa che finisca presto il primo Quadrimestre

It is not a prayer, it is a plea, it can not be more every day there is a verification or query, and that my studies every day and then in the evening when the I have to question is just a refresher, but tonight we had the beauty of say 80 and 80 pp. History of the Second Industrial Revolution, the Russian Revolution, two hours to listen for an hour tomorrow has available for review. Bha
Although now it's been a month since Christmas and I must say I'm really a shame, though to be fair to the various blogs I see that have been posted yet Christmas gifts, they could certainly miss those that I have received from my beloved Nicole are one is the best Not to mention the mats that are a love, I must say that I fell in love at first sight, while I wanted to point out the small bouquet made bidermayer, who sent me to Cynthia sent me as a pleasure to thank I had done, but as I have said separately it was not really the case even though I was very pleased to receive it.

This month also my puppy is 6 years old, and at school goes to great

And the biggest puppy did a dance lesson at ports open, is a wonder to see her dance

I had the opportunity to meet a special person, even if only for a mail account but I hope when I get a little more free time to meet in person, it is Francesca Ogliari of some of you already know, has published a wonderful book if you pass it you can see from his blog, I've already ordered a copy and I look forward to seeing him in real life.
also this morning, I was in Mirano (Ve) for the committees to play in work and I had the opportunity to shop in this wonderful rifermarmi , the owner of Maria Cristina, is a the shop is amazing kindness cuddly and friendly, has lots of wonderful yarn and lots of patterns for cross stitch, Parolin from the DMC and so on, I've purchased two of linen and pink cross-stitch work, I recommend a visit if you're in the area, I this morning I would not be more outgoing, and I had to hold for not spending a bang, since I enrolled in the SAL's hearts Stefy, I found little something appropriate and do not wait to make the first center in January. Bon
now I go to bed tomorrow at 5:30 the alarm goes off.
Baciotto to all and goodnight