Sunday, April 4, 2010

Asperger Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

I'am 43 years old

Oh yes dear girls, double celebration today in my house, we celebrated Easter and my birthday, Mom this year are the sunset, I must say it was a nice birthday on the phone would not stop to report messages, I received good wishes from many friends near and far. We spent the day at my parents' house for me and this thing is refreshing to my country I feel loved and protected, I can not explain but I'm fine there.
These wonders are the gift of my beloved "Nicoletta" kiki for friends, , you say that I made them for my "craftroom" closet- but do you think I can "relegate" in these wonderful closet??

Tomorrow I put the hook in my husband, they are usually things I do I arrange to be alone, but this time I'm afraid to combine a mess and then leave it to him, will have an honored place in the room Me, I find that they are beautiful, well aware of the troubles in this period was found to cross Nicole, the fact that he found the time and desire to do this for me, makes me realize how much good even if I wanted to honor the truth is all I have to say in return, I found her a special friend, I like to chat with you when I would phone hours on the phone, we do also good laugh and I am proud when he said he had found in me like a sister, and also I like to think of you in this way.
for freedom of the press, I also say that my husband gave me a beautiful bike sbriluccicosa all, it's weird after twenty years still manages to amaze me.
If there are more time I think he and I shame, the rest against Leo Aries has a good fight, but I could not imagine my life without him, although sometimes overrides the urge to strangle him. A

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Creative Sound Blasterextigydriver -update


will probably four years that I had found sti baskets questa strana sagoma, in un negozio di tutto a un'euro, e dopo la prima mano di avorio erano stati relegati nell'armadio della mia "craft-room"-ripostiglio, e ogni volta che aprivo le porte mi guardavano sconsolati.
Tra loro e me si sono interposti Bilanci e relative relazioni - gestioni aziendali- Figli che crescono - montagne di roba da stirare - casa da riordinare . Oggi pomeriggio ero stanca di tutto e tutti, ho messo su un santo CD di cartoni a Giò, ho ignorato del tutto i "gatti" di polvere che gironzalono per casa mia, la montagna di roba da stirare che mi diceva, -guarda me guarda me- ho mandato a farsi benedire il perenne senso of resposabilità and guilt that I feel towards everything and everybody. I pulled out my beautiful baskets, paints and brushes and so relaxing .......................... ................................. and they were born, and every now and then what the hell we want.

The only mistake I made was to buy a bag of chocolate eggs, about a month ago with the intention of using it for something but finished first in the "sgrinfie" my husband that if
is made out of everything, and today when I needed there was not even a shadow but even the aroma of smoked all, fortunately I have remedied with the plastic eggs I bought last year advanced to something else that I do not remember, thankfully those are not edible .!!!!!

And here's the final group photo, there are three girls and a boy are very cute??
No say you've seen the pom-pom tail that for??
fan I die.
still a dear wish A Happy Easter to all of you my dear friends.
Baciotto Martina