Friday, October 29, 2010

Karia Nomoto Discography

Happy Halloween - e - Sal Cuori Ottobre

Here for a change I uploaded the photos upside down again, had to appear for the first of Fantasmino and instead ..........! Okay, then I'll show you first what ........... I have not prepared for the month of October, it's just going to the bank the other day, I went outside my Herbalist of Trust, "The red sorrel" and peek into the window, is was love at first sight! I'm in love with this "Tea infuser" and forgive me my combination, but I decided to donarglielo along with a herbal tea, which already emits a good fragrance closed, I dare not think that the aroma will issue a time to brew.

I know it is not something created with my hands, but it is so cuddly that I could not resist.
And now go to the "Halloween" I must say that being in love lost dell'English Style e del Country-Style made in USA, questa non è una festa che mi piace particolarmente, non la sento mia, ma avendo due figli in età scolare mi tocca mio malgrado.
Ho trovato questo fantasmino in un giornale in edicola, era fatto di pannolenci, ma non avendone in quantità sufficiente, ho deciso di farlo di carta, visto che quella, lavorando in una tipografia non manca.
L'ho fatto martedì notte mentre Giò dormiva e poi l'ho attaccato alla porta della sua camera.
Voi avreste dovuto esserci mercoledì mattina quando si è alzato dal letto, non si riesce a descrivere la sua faccia.

Non è un fantasma da paura ma un fantasmino nice and sweet, just like I do.
Baciotto all.
How nice does not seem true to have three days to stay home.
PS: For the record Tilda doll to the previous post was given the name of "MIA"
Since when George saw her pulled out her arm and said "MIA" MIA. "

Friday, October 15, 2010

Columbus Ohio Drivers Licence Renewal

Per un'Amica Speciale e per una bimba bellissima

Hello girls how are you all? I hope all is well, but I'm full of cold and a cough that I splits into two every time I cough, and we are only at the beginning of winter!
you remember the little heart of hearts of September Ps did I tell you that I used the fabric to create something for a dear friend.
Here's the "little something", this beautiful kitten went to live at the home of Kiki, Kiki the corner of one of my favorites, you must know that the girl's birthday in August, and I all confident, I decided to done something special to me and bought something and knowing his passion for reading I've got a good book, but before I buy it probed the ground with his sweet daughter to be sure that what I wanted to buy did not make 'already had pity that the book is not there but at least I had the wrong date !!!!!
straconvinta that I was to carry on 17 years - and instead you beat me on time and is to accomplish 7,

No but how do you say to a person to love and be wrong about the date of the birthday, but it may be more clumsy?? I only hope that Nicole and I have forgiven Giurin giurello that next year will arrive right! Instead
Tomorrow is one year old daughter of two of our dearest friends, many good wishes GIORGIA sweetie, it's a beautiful girl and very nice, and her mom is one who likes things done by hand.
then I thought to prepare this model Tilda doll, you know I'm always in love with the creations "Tilda" I have all his books in Swedish, since I can not wait for the release of those in Italian. For tell the truth must be said however that it is only the latest publications that are also the first Italian version was not provided for this thing. But while
really like all her dolls, I never had the courage to put a try.
When I saw this model, however, complete with hood and boots, I could not resist and I have thrown headlong.

And here ........................... I still have not decided on a name, you have any suggestions?? Here
posing inside the house with her nice dress party

and ready to go out to become the best friend of George, with her pretty pink canopy, the rest have said this weekend, temperatures will drop a lot.

I avoided using buttons and hooks to close the canopy Giorgia I'm afraid they might put in his mouth and swallowed them.
Son also happy about how I got the hairstyle is one of the things I have always been locked when I decided to try, if they did not know I could!
Bon kilometers after this post I greet you and send you a baciotto bacilli.
Good Sunday to all, I am a "Stresa" for a working lunch with my husband.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ovarian Cancer More Condition_symptoms

Muffins Double Chocolate fairy cakes

To be honest I'm not a fan of muffins and the same applies to chocolate. But these
them I just do. It 's a recipe for fairy dolci, Pinella , quindi una garanzia!
E come prevedevo non mi hanno deluso.
Squisiti, davvero! Ottimi a colazione e in qualsiasi momento si desideri una coccola!
Pinella da poco ha proposto anche quelli alle mele, dovrò sacrificarmi e provarli....magari domani....

di Pinella Orgiana

Per 12 muffins medi

210g farina
210g zucchero
10g lievito per dolci
50g cioccolato fondente a pezzetti
70g cacao in polvere
1 bustina vanillina
150ml latte
3 uova
130g burro fuso

Ungere la teglia dei muffins e preriscaldare il forno a 190 gradi centigradi.
In una ciotola setacciare con cura gli ingredienti secchi farina lievito zucchero cacao e un pizzico di sale. In un'altra ciotola piu' piccola sbattere 3 uova con il burro fuso il latte e la vanillina.
Unire il composto liquido a quello secco senza troppo mescolare (fino a quando non c'e' piu' farina asciutta) e poi aggiungere i pezzetti di cioccolato.
Riempire gli stampini della teglia per 3/4 ed infornare per 20-25 minuti (controllare con lo stecchino la cottura)