Sunday, June 20, 2010

Compare Denavir And Zovirax

Chi non muore si rivede!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Girls, tell the truth I had been reported missing ???!!! There are no ???!!! You are much, it was a time really messed up, and we do not yet see the end to be honest! But what can I do now these have become my rhythm back and unfortunately something has to rhyme, and as always I have to give up what I like more, but children and family are my priority but I have to work to do so!!
But no more talk you want to see what I did on Saturday and saw the time Domica of disgust that we had here in Veneto!
I told you not my husband's birthday I just got the new bike, but between the lack of inclement weather and climate are able to use very little, I think twice since my birthday, I had this good old trash the other bike and why not transform them for the new one?
said than done, forgive me I'm not good in the collage and then you will have to settle for pictures in a sequence
First State of the art work
Trash finished, I already put it on and let you see on the bike, but due to the water today was impesabile pull out of the garage, much less take some pictures, we risked drowning, and I swear I'm not kidding.

Tornado to sal hearts Stefy, I could not post the work done for the month of April and May but I had made and therefore take the opportunity to see them there I
panel for April

And in May because it was also Mother's Day, I thought of a bracelet with many hearts

Ste cercando di usare varie tecniche per i lavoretti e di non essere ripetitiva, speriamo che alla mia abbinata le cose che ho preparato piacciano!!!
Adesso sto pensando a Giugno e di sicuro
qualcosa mi inventerò, mamma mia ragazze siamo già a metà Sal e a metà anno.
Ora scappo sto crollando dal sonno sempre a mezzanotte mi ritrovo a scrivere i post.
Pensate alla mia bimba sabato, che alle 11.oo ha l'orale degli esami di terza media, poi speriamo sia tutto finito, così sia io che lei riusciremo a riposarci un pochino
Baciotto a tutte.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ms More Condition_symptoms

Luca Montersino ..... yet!

Another fabulous savory pastry preparation of the great master Luca Montersino, ideal for a buffet or a cocktail. Very easy and fast.
I am aware of through Anarona Coquinaria, I tried it and it is wonderful!
tasty and also good cold, which is good given the summer heat!
The sweet taste of brioche looks good in this preparation and is not noisy at all!

Bowl of bread and vegetables

350 gr. cut into slices of brioche (1 pack of White Mill, etc.) or bread for sandwiches
40 gr.
400 grams of melted butter. mixed vegetables-zucchini, peppers into squares and carrots into thin slices, onions (I do not put them)
50 gr. pecorino
50 gr. Parmesan
200 gr.
cream 100 gr.

milk 2 eggs salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil

butter for greasing

Remove crust from bread slices, brush with butter and toast in oven at 150 degrees for several minutes.
Sauté the vegetables in a pan with a little oil, keeping them crispy, add salt and pepper and let cool. Bring
to boil the cream with milk and then put it on the eggs of the Sbat with grated cheese, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Butter a mold making it possible to make three layers of bread, are also fine those disposable aluminum. Soak the slices of toasted bread into the mixture of cream, place the bottom of the mold. Put some 'of vegetables and sprinkle with feta cheese and Parmesan cheese. Make another layer and continue until exhaustion. Cover with advanced liquid compound.
Bake at 160 degrees for 30 minutes.
When cold cut in abundance and serve.
Try it, it's good good good!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Adhd More Condition_symptoms

The king of buffet ....... Freshness

Si, è lui!
Il Re assoluto dei buffet.
Sopravvive a tutto.
Ai finger food, alla pasticceria salata, accostamenti, intrugli e novità.
Un classico intramontabile. Quando ero piccola e andavo alle feste speravo sempre di trovarlo. Troneggiava sul tavolo ma era sempre troppo ambito...troppo poco.... Raramente ne ho visti due in un solo buffet!! Ricordo che li sfornava un forno nei pressi della stazione del mio paese. Li vendeva farciti e non, e in entrambi i casi costavano un botto!!
Solo una volta l'ho comprato, farcito.
Avevo 15 anni era il mio compleanno. Lo avrei festeggiato con i compagni di classe a casa mia.
Ho raccomandato the baker to make me "beautiful." When I retired I kept on my knees in the car, careful that you do not scomponesse, I felt like holding a jewel. I was excited, so .....
The same emotion I felt when approaching the leavened I discovered that there was a savory recipe. The recipe??
NONE'POSSIBILENONCICREDO!! I could let me be me!
Then immediately buy paper molds and try different recipes. They were not as good but the oven near the station (which unfortunately has now given way to other activities ....).
what I wanted. And I insisted. I tried them all! And after several attempts and several pounds on my most sides in the end I found ... He, one of my fifteen years. Same perfume, same texture, same fragrance the same emotion. The dented, e. .. I close my eyes again 15 years (only for a while ... unfortunately!)
Since then, there is always in my buffet.
thank Katia-plug. The recipe is hers, I have changed a bit in the process of mixing.
Ladies and Gentlemen ..... here's to you ...


ingredients for a mold of 1 Kg: 300

manitoba flour 250 gr. 00
200 grams of flour. sparkling water
100 gr. milk
1 cube of fresh yeast
30 gr.
olive oil 50 gr. Parmesan (grated)

salt 4 egg yolks 10 g sugar 2 teaspoons

mix everything (I do in planetary) after installing the latest in salt and egg yolks one at a time and let rise . Doubling to deflate the folds of the second type of Hadrian and his hands in place in oiled paper mold
When passing a little bit leavens the edge of the mold bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes (I put a couple of small container full of water in the oven and before spuzzo bake the oven walls with water (do not know if you need me but so is mooorbido mooorbido).
Cool (possibly upside down but sometimes I did and did not notice any difference) and cut into slices 1 cm thick. Fill as desired, store in refrigerator several hours before serving.