Friday, June 4, 2010

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The king of buffet ....... Freshness

Si, è lui!
Il Re assoluto dei buffet.
Sopravvive a tutto.
Ai finger food, alla pasticceria salata, accostamenti, intrugli e novità.
Un classico intramontabile. Quando ero piccola e andavo alle feste speravo sempre di trovarlo. Troneggiava sul tavolo ma era sempre troppo ambito...troppo poco.... Raramente ne ho visti due in un solo buffet!! Ricordo che li sfornava un forno nei pressi della stazione del mio paese. Li vendeva farciti e non, e in entrambi i casi costavano un botto!!
Solo una volta l'ho comprato, farcito.
Avevo 15 anni era il mio compleanno. Lo avrei festeggiato con i compagni di classe a casa mia.
Ho raccomandato the baker to make me "beautiful." When I retired I kept on my knees in the car, careful that you do not scomponesse, I felt like holding a jewel. I was excited, so .....
The same emotion I felt when approaching the leavened I discovered that there was a savory recipe. The recipe??
NONE'POSSIBILENONCICREDO!! I could let me be me!
Then immediately buy paper molds and try different recipes. They were not as good but the oven near the station (which unfortunately has now given way to other activities ....).
what I wanted. And I insisted. I tried them all! And after several attempts and several pounds on my most sides in the end I found ... He, one of my fifteen years. Same perfume, same texture, same fragrance the same emotion. The dented, e. .. I close my eyes again 15 years (only for a while ... unfortunately!)
Since then, there is always in my buffet.
thank Katia-plug. The recipe is hers, I have changed a bit in the process of mixing.
Ladies and Gentlemen ..... here's to you ...


ingredients for a mold of 1 Kg: 300

manitoba flour 250 gr. 00
200 grams of flour. sparkling water
100 gr. milk
1 cube of fresh yeast
30 gr.
olive oil 50 gr. Parmesan (grated)

salt 4 egg yolks 10 g sugar 2 teaspoons

mix everything (I do in planetary) after installing the latest in salt and egg yolks one at a time and let rise . Doubling to deflate the folds of the second type of Hadrian and his hands in place in oiled paper mold
When passing a little bit leavens the edge of the mold bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes (I put a couple of small container full of water in the oven and before spuzzo bake the oven walls with water (do not know if you need me but so is mooorbido mooorbido).
Cool (possibly upside down but sometimes I did and did not notice any difference) and cut into slices 1 cm thick. Fill as desired, store in refrigerator several hours before serving.


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