Saturday, July 3, 2010

M.s. More Condition_symptoms

sliced \u200b\u200bpesto, rocket and cherry tomatoes

Today gasps!
OUT The bakery is also to be a long time near the stove is not attractive ......
Questo è un piatto fresco e gustoso, lo cucino spesso a casa, soprattutto in estate.
Impiego pochissimo tempo ed è buonissimo!


400 gr di controfiletto di manzo tagliato a fette sottili
3 cucchiai di pesto pronto
200 gr rucola già lavata
1 spicchio di aglio
250 gr di pomodorini ciliegia
1 cipolla rossa (io ho usato un piccolo scalogno)
3 cucchiai di olio evo
10-12 olive verdi snocciolate
2 cucchiai di succo di limone
sale e pepe

10 min preparazione + 10 min di cottura

Mettete le fettine di carne su un tagliere e tagliate into strips of 2 cm wide; Transfer to a large plate and spalmatevi over 2 tablespoons of pesto, cover with plastic wrap and set aside.
Chop the rocket and cut the tomatoes in half, peel the onions and cut into film (I have not made these).
Heat 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan, peel the onion and sauté, add meat and cook fillets 5 to 6 minutes over high heat, stirring with a wooden spoon.
Remove the meat from the fire and put it in a bowl, add the olives, arugula, cherry tomatoes, a tablespoon of pesto sauce and a tablespoon of remaining oil.
Garnish with lemon, salt and pepper to taste.
Mix well and serve. Good
both warm and cold!
You can substitute beef with chicken or turkey and even fish fillets.


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