octopus with potatoes and olives
Anyone who knows me knows that I go insane if I see the finger food versions of everything that is edible.
What can I do if I love the small things small?? (It will compensate for my wealth ... mah!)
Surfing the web I came across the blog of beautiful kitchen Ale only kitchen and I was captured by these torrette.Complice delicious lunch of the New Year I I made and served.
I liked so much! In my opinion, are excellent even for a buffet.
The ingredients are simple.
Octopus (I got one for about 800g.)
potatoes (3 or 4)
olives (I used those stoned)
extra virgin olive oil, garlic and parsley frescoq.b
pepper if you like
Clean removing the octopus eye, a tooth and entrails. Bring the water to a boil in a cap with a wine cork, once the water is boiling the octopus with decreased attention to "three times" in the boiling water and hold it by the end of a tentacolo.Alla third time leave in the pot.
immediately lower the heat to low and incoperchiate the pot. Controlled by
questo momento che il polpo cuocia per venticinque minuti esatti.Trascorso questo tempo, in cui non avrete MAI tolto il coperchio dalla pentola,spegnete la fiamma.Lasciate intiepidire il polpo per alcune ore, senza mai scoperchiare la pentola.
Lessare le patate e, da fredde, tagliarle a cubi.
Insaporire sia il polpo che le patate con olio extravergine, sale, pepe, aglio e prezzemolo fresco.
Comporre le torrette e servire!
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