Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tutu Birthday Cake Idea

Qualche giorno fa mi è presa la fissa della crostata al limone meringata.
Sembrerà impossibile ma non l'avevo mai assaggiata.
Come non avevo mai provato a fare il lemon curd!
Così, complice dei freschissimi limoni ho provato a realizzarla.
Cercavo una ricetta doc, e I have come to the aid of her friends coquinaria.
I finally made my head a little and the result was wonderful.
I made using the crust of Montersino, the fantastic òlemon a Private Message to Coquinaria curd and meringue Salvatore de Riso.
With this in mind I could never bake a cake mediocre?? Impossible!
The three flavors blend to perfection, crispy crust, the lemon curd meringue softened by the soft-hearted and made slightly crunchy in the oven.
also excellent after a meal, maybe a fish.
With the "leftovers" I also made mini-tarts, vanished! Here is the recipe

Lemone meringue tart

Ingredients for a crust of 26 cm in diameter

pastry (I always do the full dose and the rest to freeze the dough balls)

1 kg of flour 00

600 g butter 400 g sugar 160 g

egg yolks 1 vanilla bean bourbon
taste of lemon peel
2 g of salt

Place in the bowl of the mixer (by using the leaf ), the flour with the butter at room temperature, salt, lemon peel and vanilla; operated the machine and let it run up to blast the compound (a term that indicates a granular mixture of butter and flour), then add the icing sugar and immediately after the egg yolks.
Once the dough has formed, turn off the machine and turn the dough on the table dusted with flour to form a smooth dough and place in refrigerator to rest for at least 30 minutes before use.
The whole operation can be done completely by hand, making sure to use the butter cold from the refrigerator.

of lemon curd Private Message
g. 100 g. butter

sugar 3 eggs plus one yolk
grated rind and juice of three lemons

Melt the butter in a double boiler.
Add sugar, eggs, e il succo e la scorza di limone.
Fate cuocere lentamente fino a quando il curd velerà il cucchiaio (come per la crema inglese).
Versate in vasetti sterilizzati e lasciate freddare. Conservate in frigo per un massimo di 15 giorni.

meringa di Sal De Riso

175 gr di albumi
250 di zucchero
mezzo baccello di vaniglia (io poche gocce di limone)

Miscelate gli albumi con lo zucchero in un contenitore concavo e portate a 60° a bagnomaria.
Dopo mettete in planetaria e montate con la frusta fino ad ottenere una meringa ben solida.


Rivestite lo stampo per crostata (consiglio quello apribile) con la frolla stesa about 5 mm cover with paper fiorno and dried beans and bake for 15/18 minutes in white. Remove the wax paper and allow to dry the bottom of pastry for another 5 minutes. Cool down the shell and pull out and lay it on a plate that can then go in the oven.
Prepare the curd, let cool and pour into pastry shell.
Decorate the top with meringue (I like the effect messy) and put in oven at 100 ° for 20 min, then increased to 150 ° until the top is not a light amber color (eye roast !).
Let cool and serve.


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