Friday, March 11, 2011

Ocd More Condition_symptoms

Short pasta gratin with Salmon, Leek and Pea Risotto with Mascarpone

for lunch last Sunday, I improvised this penne gratin .... improvised because I had not really thought, the intention was to make pasta, maybe stuffed with ricotta, but in the end, looking in the fridge, I got this idea ...
I leave you my recipe and I wish you a good weekend ... I've already been thinking of compiling a lot of good things! Hello

INGREDIENTS: 350 gr penne
- 150 gr of smoked salmon - 200 g of peas - a leek - extra virgin olive oil - 200 g mascarpone - panna fresca - parmigiano grattugiato

Pulite il porro e tagliatelo a rondelle, fatelo imbiondire in una padella con un po' di olio extravergine, poi unite i piselli e il salmone, salate s serve e pepate, fate poi insaporire per qualche minuto. Lessate le pennette al dente, e intanto mescolate il mascarpone in una ciotola con un po' di panna fresca, con una frustina, fino ad ottenere una consistenza cremosa e "lenta".
Scolate le pennette e versatele nella padella con porro, piselli e salmone e mescolate il tutto. Versate la metà della pasta in una pirofila da forno, aggiungete metà del composto di mascarpone e spolverizzate col parmigiano, poi procedete allo stesso modo per l'altra metà degli ingredienti. Concludete con abbondante parmigiano. Coprite con l'alluminio e mettete in fono a 200 gradi per 15 minuti, poi scoprite e fate gratinare per altri 5 minuti.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Colon Cancer More Condition_symptoms


Hello to all, these days I really have little time to scuriosare between blogs .... but a peek in and the other, I found the notice of entry to a competition, I think we will appeal in many .....
you would like your creations were published on a calendar ????? Visit find all the information !!!!!
Unfortunately I'm not good at inventing .... I always need to follow the instructions, but I am delighted by your imagination .. and very curious!
Good job!

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Ciao a tutti!! Quello che vi presento oggi è il risotto che ho preparato a mio marito sabato a pranzo...
Sapete forse già che io non sono un'amante del riso, mentre lui ne va matto, quindi per fargli piacere, ogni tanto, mi cimento nella preparazione di qualche risottino, e devo dire che questo è piaciuto molto anche a me..e anche gli ometti hanno fatto il bis!

2 bicchieri di riso Vialone nano - 1 cipolla piccola - 150 gr di pancetta dolce a cubetti - vino bianco - brodo vegetale - olio evo - un pizzico di pistilli di zafferano - due cucchiai di mascarpone

Preparate il brodo vegetale..tenetene da parte una ciotolina, dove immergerete i pistilli di zafferano.
In una casseruola fate scaldare l'olio extravergine, poi unite la cipolla tritata finemente e fatela appassire. In una padella antiaderente fate tostare il riso senza aggiungere olio, a fuoco medio, per almeno 2 minuti.
Trasferitelo poi nella casseruola con la cipolla, a fuoco vivace, unite la pancetta dolce e fate rosolare bene il tutto. Aggiungete il vino, fate sfumare, poi iniziate ad aggiungere il brodo, Prima quello con i pistilli di zafferano, poi man mano quello che sarà necessario per portare il riso a cottura.
Una volta cotto, unite due bei cucchiai di mascarpone, mescolate bene e servite!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Tiramisu ..... without filling with eggs


Un classico...mica l'uovo crudo preferisco non mangiarlo...e non farlo mangiare, propongo un tiramisù con farcia senza uova.
Il gusto cambia lievemente...questa verione risulta molto più vi garantisco l'ottimo risultato.
Ottima alternativa per la stagione calda quando...utilizzare e mangiare uova crude....significa sfidare la sorte!!!!
Esagero? Io per vari penso così......

  • 180 gr. of flour "oo"
  • 180 gr. sugar 6 eggs
INGREDIENTS For the filling: 200 gr
  • . Chocolate
  • 150 ml of coffee
  • 100 ml coffee liqueur
  • 300 ml whipping cream
  • 500 gr. mascarpone
  • cocoa powder
For the sponge, whisk the eggs with sugar for 15 minutes, until mixture is light and "writing". Using a sieve, to avoid lumps, add the flour. Mix everything well from the bottom up not to remove the compound.

Put on a baking pan, previously buttered and floured and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes 180 °. Turn out and cool. If you let the sponge sit overnight. Cut into three layers.
Mix the coffee with liqueur. Coarsely chopped and grated chocolate.
With a whisk, whip the cream with the sugar in soft snow. Then add the mascarpone and continue to mount.
On a serving plate, place the first disk of cake. Sprinkle with one third of the mixture of coffee.
Spread the cream and leveled, sprinkle with plenty of chocolate chips.
Cover with another layer of cake, sprinkle with more coffee, cream and other chocolate.
Place the last disc of sponge, repeat sequence, finishing with cream.
Decorate with chocolate flakes and a sprinkling of cocoa.
Place in the refrigerator.

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Linguine with Clams

This is a favorite dish of my husband .... and he can really well!
I must say I like very much to me and makes me think a lot .... the summer to the sea, lunch with friends ... all things that I have a great nostalgia!
We replaced the usual spaghetti linguine, because it is a type of pasta that we particularly like at home .. never fail!

320/400 g linguine - 1 kg of clams - extra virgin olive oil - garlic - chilli - dry white wine

dishes Laboratorio Pesaro

PREPARATION: Put the clams in a
large bowl with salted water and leave a few hours, changing water occasionally. After that, rinse and drain them and put them on the stove in a pan for a few minutes to open. Remove from heat and pour into a container of water that will be formed. You can leave the shells, or shell them as we did. In frying pan then fry
oil with a clove of garlic and chilli, then add the clams only, without their liquid. Just fry them, then add the white wine and let evaporate. Meanwhile
put plenty of water to boil for the linguine.
Finish cooking the clams and add a little 'of their good filtered liquid through a sieve with a mesh dense or a tightly woven fabric.
Once cooked linguine, al dente, drain and pour into the pan with the clams. Cook for and serve!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Throat Problems More Condition_symptoms

Books vagabonds - No Agency 3

With great excitement I announce the "opening" No agency 3 of the library ELY and BOOKS VAGABOND . I loved this idea since the first reading of the post of Ely, and slowly became on my desire to participate and metterea available to all / and you've already read some books that, perhaps more than once ...
So, for those unfamiliar with the initiative, how it works: In this post you will find four books, with their review, four titles are very different from each other, but I liked a lot. Are available to those who want to borrow them. Just send me an email with the title chosen and I will send to your address, then you will have a month to read it. After that you rispendirlo me, or next to the player, which will be my pleasure to recommend .. I will only address that will be communicated with have to make the shipment. The books will travel with a Taquin, on which everyone can write down his impressions and feelings .. (I love this thing).
If the book were to be requested by several people, we will go in order of arrival of mail.
Occasionally there will be a post, which will update the travel books, and, like the initiative, any additions of new titles, as I have several boxes in the attic from which to draw!
The address for ordering books is tati.arosio @, with the subject BOOKS Vagabond.
I think I said everything, so here's the first 4 books ...

The Tales of Beedle the Bard
(for fans of Harry Potter)

The book "The Tales of Beedle the Bard "collects stories written for young wizards and witches. Evening were popular tales for centuries, hence "The Hopping Pot" and "Source of Good Fortune" are just as familiar to many students of Hogwarts as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are children Muggles (non magic). It is a volume left to Hermione Granger by Albus Dumbledore in the seventh and final book in the series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", and reveals clues crucial to fulfilling the mission of Harry to destroy the Horcruxes of Lord Voldemort.

Go 'Follow your heart

The story of the fate of three women, different yet similar. A series of letters that begins Nov. 16 and ends December 22. A woman who writes to his niece away in a one-way dialogue, so what comes out is more of a diary almost a will. "These lines do not ever take a flight to join you in America. If I'm gone when you return, we will be here waiting for them. "
And in this diary recounts a life of Olga, his, which is also the issue of a daughter and a grandson, a young and enterprising, in the difficult transition between adolescence and maturity: "In recent months, wallowing in the loneliness of home, years of misunderstanding and resentment of our co-existence have disappeared. I remember that there are around me are the memories of you girl, vulnerable and lost puppy. It is to her that I write, not to the person and arrogant defense of recent times. "
Olga knows now that she did not have much time now that, perhaps for the first time, is ready to reveal all the secrets of her family, and his monologue becomes a confession of a heart full of love and yet there are no sorrow or regret in his words, but the awareness of having lived and to have learned that life is a journey far from linear.
Words Tamaro touch of simple chords and sometimes seem to tap the ingenuity, but they never surface and that is why, for this clear depth, which pages are easily read and leave just as easily moving.


Questo è un classico giallo, quindi un romanzo di genere, insolito esperimento di una scrittrice come Dacia Maraini.
La trama segue tutti gli stereotipi dell'indagine poliziesca e giornalistica. La protagonista, infatti, è una giornalista radiofonica che sta lavorando ad un'inchiesta riguardo alla violenza sulle donne. La vicina di casa viene uccisa e suo malgrado la protagonista si ritrova ad occuparsi del caso. Presto l'inchiesta inizierà a riflettersi sul fattaccio di cronaca nera, e la vita stessa della protagonista rischierà di esserne risucchiata. L'assassino è il padre della vittima, ve lo dico a cuor leggero perché fino alla fine ho hoped that the author could somehow surprise me, but this did not happen. Maraini is not only the Cornwell, but even trying to look like. This novel is made with the protractor, carefully observing the metrics of gender, if it was the murder of a wealthy countess, the murderess would certainly have been the butler. What really disappoints is that the author rejects a final really a surprise (of which I will not say) who would really have worthily closed this beautiful novel genre.
of Maraini's prose is flawless. Those living alone are surely recognize the main character in his little habits and quirks and, in a sense, the way you have to look the lives of others. Delightful portraits of cat Trastevere, and the perseverance of the spider on her desk. Particularly important are the voices (hence the title) that collects the protagonist in his tape recorder, as it collects interviews and notes of various kinds. It comes natural to the comparison with modern journalism is increasingly linked to the image. In this novel the world go by in the background is the real value of the plot that never fails to surprise really. The author leaves the subject too groped on male violence, neglect and wonderful ideas that would lead to dwell on particular topics. As with the relationships, all of them interesting, but deliberately left in the background a picture that wants to remain general.

senses enchanted

"The theme of magic, the" wonderful "covers almost all the work of Bevilacqua, delighting readers of many countries. But here the theme is reflected in a story that captivates - as well as a suggestion and suspense that keeps you from start to finish - a taste of truth: the story, in fact, was actually experienced firsthand by the author , made contact as a child with the magical dimension.
Central in the book is the figure of Miriam, the young psychic entering practice in the real life of the protagonist in the crisis and rebuild, as well as the exceptional powers of which is equipped with the natural charm of her intense femininity. Miriam, in fact, has a sensitivity to the extreme: that the senses can get others to be enchanted, that is reported to want to live. The novel takes the scope of a message that indicates more extensive ways, yet unfathomable, it is to be healed from evil affections, while the man can find God in ways different from those worn by the multifaceted corruption of the times. "

Monday, March 7, 2011

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A simple heart for all women

And if the party were women every day?!?!

For all the women they love, for all women who dedicate their lives to family, to those who work and those who do jump through hoops every day ... for the romantic women, for women when they see black there is only one to see but they know at least see the flash of light when it comes to those who cry ... every tear, but then always find the strength to go on .... for all women dissatisfied, screaming and no one feels, for mothers, grandmothers, sisters ... for each of us, hope that the Women's Day is not until 8 March .... Best wishes to all!

photos from the web
I would love to virtually all women Dolcino this simple .... a review of strawberries and cream, in cake version .....

2 discs of sponge cake - fresh cream - strawberries - sugar - Baileys - fruit juice (for children)

The recipe for the sponge found HERE, it only takes one made with 3 eggs. Records obtained from the hearts of sponge cake, I used the pastry rings della Guardini . Bagnateli con il Baileys per i grandi e con il succo di frutta per i piccoli e teneteli da parte. Lavate le fragole, asciugatele bene e tagliatele a pezzetti, poi montate la panna con lo zucchero a velo.
Ora basta assemblare il dolcino. Farcite tutti i cuori con la panna e le fragole, poi sovrapponeteli due a due, qualche ciuffetto di panna e il gioco è fatto!!

New Baby Arrival Messages

Mussels soup with cream and saffron

Ciao a tutti/e!! buon inizio settimana!! Oggi finalmente c'è il sole, ma anche un vento gelido...però mi accontento della bella luce che passa attraverso i vetri....e work with more enthusiasm! I'm also preparing a small surprise with the help of a new friend, I hope you will like it ... but one thing at a time ..
The recipe I am presenting today is from the February number of this journal Kitchen no problem ... I like a lot, always has interesting recipes, explained well, and has some beautiful photos.
The few changes I have marked in brackets ...

INGREDIENTS: 2 kg of mussels
- 2 scallions - 1 teaspoon of saffron (pistils I) - 1 dl of dry white wine - 2.5 dl of fresh cream - 1 sprig of parsley - 20 g butter - pepper

mussels with straw in fresh water to remove all deposits. (I left out, because after I removed all the shells) Remove the filaments protruding from each mussel. Peel the shallots and cut it into slices. Browse and chop the parsley.
Saute the shallots in the casserole with butter and a few grains of pepper. Raise the flame and add the mussels. Sprinkle with wine, close the lid and cook for 3 / 4 minutes so that all the shellfish open. Turn off, drain the mussels and remove those that remain closed. Eliminate even half of the cooking liquid. (At this point I removed the shellfish from their shells).
Bring to boil the cooking liquid left in the pot of mussels and add the cream and saffron (if using the pistils you first soak them in a little hot cream). Continue cooking over high heat, so as to reduce the sauce by half. Add salt, if necessary, and collected the mussels to the pan. Cook for a minute and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
Divide mussels and sauce into individual bowls and serve.
I've served in the beautiful dishes Laboratorio Pesaro !

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pregnancy Test More Condition_symptoms

Scialatielli Clams with Lemon Cake

... the first Sunday! ! How good pasta with vogongole !!!!! If we substitute a regular pasta with the pasta extruded through bronze and scented with lemon .. we get a plate ... to scream !!!!!!!!!!!
......... I used the lemon scialatielli bronze drawing of the "Manufacture of pulp " Gragnano.
Stupendous!! The delicate perfume of lemon, but ... this is not intrusive and texture of this pasta dish makes it unique. This sauce very simple, it blends perfectly with the roughness of this handmade product.
With this recipe for "good mood" ... I wish you all a happy week !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 350 gr. scialatielli of the lemon " Gragnano "
  • 600 gr.
  • clams 1 clove garlic 1 sprig of parsley
  • 3 fresh tomatoes
  • extra virgin olive
  • chilli salt
Wash and scrub the clams. Put them in water with a pinch of salt and leave them there for 2-3 hours. After this time, transfer the clams in a covered pan with a lid and let them open.
Meanwhile, chop the garlic and parsley.
shelled molluscs, keep aside some of their shell and set aside the cooking liquid. Boil in the meantime
scialatielli in salted water.
Take a pan and fry the garlic and parsley with the oil. Add the tomatoes, blanched, peeled and cut into pezzettini piccoli, un pizzico di peperoncino e, dopo qualche minuto, le vongole con un pò del liquido di cottura filtrato.
Cuocete a fuoco vivace per circa 10 minuti, mescolando ogni tanto. Aggiustate di sale, facendo attenzione poichè il liquido di cottura generalmente è molto salato.
Servite con una pioggia di prezzemolo fresco tritato. Con questi ingredienti si ottengono 4 porzioni abbondanti.

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try knit 2 !!!!!

try 2 knit T2K: LQA - The syndrome of lanista-: "You know you're a lanista almost anonymous when: You have home three cedar chests, several drawers, five beliefs and yet you're missing ... "

Middle Ear Infection More Condition_symptoms


Oh yes you decide if it's a shame, or if they are a shameful, I know I just know that last post I made, and what I'm talking about Christmas, I have not had a moment of respite, but now has begun a Giò 'sporting activity, and therefore outside the school have to run like a top behind all the other commitments of my children, arriving in the evening that he fell on the couch in a catatonic state, I have more time to do what I like and what relaxes me to die and I'm strongly affected, we accept suggestions.
Today also saw the three days off from school that the boys, I took Anna to take the train to Assisi is playing with the group of boys with whom the soul Masses of the parish, were wonderful to see smiles, hugs and kisses guitar bags, so I hope you enjoy it are wonderful experiences that will remain forever in our hearts, then I have to manage these three only the youngest in the family Rav. and we have already decided that on Tuesday we go to the cinema to see "Gulliver's Travels", he likes to die to go to the cinema, watching me die with the 3D glasses over to her following the film has a nose so small that I do not know which law Gravity's are on both.
But now I have to apologize to Sabrina, in November last year I decided to join the dots swap organized as always by the legendary Stefan, had to be returned by the December 8 to the combined with the fact that we spotted something, I must say that I was punctual in the delivery of the package, I have complied with the terms, so far I could not, however, for the reasons mentioned above to sit for five minutes to do this blessed post.
So here what I sent to me by Sabrina "With the hands of Butterfly."

As I said I have joined to create this thing that I like all things, polka dots, hearts, home, and this is the end result.

This however is what I received from you, we had not reached agreement, you, too has designed a house and the Gingerbread.

A snowman with wings that drives me crazy as it is tender!

and this sprites luck and God only knows if this time I need a little more luck!

girls Well now I leave you, I do not even promise to return soon, because I do not know if I can do it, I want to retire Ugh !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even if the road is still long.
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Coffee? Not only ...

In one of my strolls on Saturday morning, I discovered in a downtown shop that I did not know there was, and which has now become a place of "pilgrimage" because it has a lot of boxes of interesting things .... homemade biscuits, English tea, liqueurs unavailable, beautifully packaged and ideal for gourmet gifts ... a paradise!
Here, I found these shorts, Chocup , among other products from a farm not far from Imola.
I liked right away, because think you can serve a delicious cup of coffee pods covered with good chocolate, I think really the best!
There are three sizes, I have bought the average, which are ideal for storing specialty coffees, hot chocolate, espresso, liquor warm zabaglione, trifle, spumina milk, mousse, hot or cold, cooked in coffee, amaretto, whiskey cream, frozen desserts, ice cream and yogurt and ...... go ahead with your imagination, because the use is truly unlimited! I have made you a bit 'of watering?
However, to prove it, I thought to prepare for my husband and me this .... just a mocha coffee for two, a scoop of ice cream and mozzarella goccine two of rose water .... and after finishing to enjoy the content ... scrok, the septum is still crunchy!

Next time will try with a Dolcino .... or maybe with a good drink!
you soon! Good Sunday!