Monday, February 21, 2011

Funny Anniversary Gifts

Course pastry base with Maurice "black" Santin!

Quando Fabiana mi ha invitato a partecipare con lei al corso di pasticceria di base tenuto da Maurizio Santin per poco non stramazzavo the ground.
The course lasted two days and Magic Santin (to put it that Pinella was an, albeit distant, guardian angel for the duration of the course, after all I owe to her the discovery of Santin ...) has lit up some preparations based on fantasy and Macarons.
I found out, despite its reputation as a gruff "black cook, a very nice person, smiling at the same time sincere and resolute. In short, it would be wonderful as a friend, perhaps less as an employer ....!!
The course was the shortbread, mounted the ganache, creamy chocolate sponge cake, sponge finger biscuit, biscuit Sacher, and finally the namelaka macarons.

But let's get to some recipes of course.
I'll post what I liked most

chocolate ice cream sundae while Valrhona Grand Cru Caraibe

parfaite The ice cream is very fast and does not need to do of special machines for ice cream. The mouth is soft and the pastry scioglievole Breton accompanies all so divine giving an incredible taste and a crunchy dessert. In short, DO IT!

- here he is intent assembly and composition of parfat -

Ingredients: 450 gr cream
325 gr
coverage while caraibe

120 g egg whites 200 g caster sugar Method

Swiss Prepare the meringue with the sugar and egg whites.
A water bath to heat the mixture at about 55/60 ° and mount slowly cooled.
Meanwhile, melt the chocolate at 50 ° and mount la panna liquida.
Emulsionare la copertura di cioccolato aggiungendo quanto basta di panna liquida montata onde ottenere una Consistenza elastica e brillante.
Aggiungere la meringa appena preparata con lo sbattitore, mescolare delicatamente e terminare la miscela aggiungendo la rimanente panna montata.
Modellare (in cerchio di metallo) e surgelare.

Pasta frolla bretone (usata come base per il parfait)

465 gr burro
150 gr zucchero a velo
2 gr sale maldon
1 tuorlo d’uovo sodo
425 gr farina 00
85 gr fecola


Impastare lentamente nello mixer, using the special scoop of sugar, egg yolk, butter and half flour.
When the mixture is smooth add the remaining flour.
Let stand one day before using.

Assembly sweet

Bake the pastry Breton 150 ° / 160 °, and freshly baked, with a circle of metal "couple" what will be the basis sweet.
Remove the parfait from the freezer, poggiarlòo gently pulling on the basis of pastry circle.
E 'useful cover acetate of the metal circle. In this way, takes off without any problems!

PS: I thank Luciano Furia for photos! Thanks to him I can relive the pleasure of those moments!


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